ROUTE 66 CAR CLUB MEETING August 30th, 2015 Barbara Kelsey Route 66 Cruisers Car Club Secretary. (Sept. Meeting)

 The Route 66 car club meeting was called to order by President Dwayne Caldwell At 5:00 pm at the Will Rogers Downs.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said and Jerry Henry said a prayer.

The Secretary’s report was read and approved as read.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Dwayne introduced our one guest. Ed Ott from Akdar Shrine. He was appointed by the Potentate to be in charge of the Friday night totem pole feed. Ed Ott said that there will be tickets given to the people at Ne Mar and if they show up without a ticket there will be a donation jar the menu will be hot dogs. There will be a 50-50 pot. The Camel herders will be having the food at the car show. The Dune Buggies and the Mini Choppers units will have the Breakfast. Dwayne said that he appreciated the Shriners for all that they do.

Dwayne announced that we lost a member Carl Heinze.

A discussion on a hot check.

A car show meeting will be September 3rd at the Pizza Hut at 6:00pm. We need to bring the goody bag things at the picnic on Sept 20th at the lake. The club will have Charles Chicken for us so bring what you have signed up to bring, and bring your Lawn chairs if you want.

Dwayne announced that Jerry Henry will be the one to go to at the car show if you have a problem.

There are still two companies that have not given us their donations for the car show and there is a dead line on the advertisements. Rogers County Bank has put a large advertisement about the car show in their monthly newsletter. Value News will have a two page ad in their flyers at the cost of $470, they have 146000 homes that receive their flyers.

There was a discussion on the need to do some advertising about the swap meet.

Paul Kelsey will have his trailer at the picnic so that we can put the goody bags in it.

Dwayne announced that the place where we have ordered the plaques will give us a best of show trophy.

Verdigris Church would like us to bring some of our cars to their event on September 13 from 12 pm to 4 pm.

On wednesday 2nd Bill Holden will be playing at the Will Rogers Down casino.

On the fourth Thursday Claremore shops will be open late so We need to show our support.

There will be a car show at Watova on the 5th of September.

We were notified by the IRS that they have our money.

Richard Hodges has car show flyers and posters at his business so come and pick Some up and give them out. Brian Hodges has been doing a good job on the Web-site.

Betsy McClendon thanked everyone for the food at the food drive at Ne Mar.

Discussion on all of the donations that we have received.

There being no other business Jerry Henry move to adjourn.